Hi Dear Visitor,
Here is a great opportunity for you.As you know fineyog is very famous health website in their customers.We offer many products of top quality and top brand.now its your turn to list your products online with us.The only thing you need to do is select a best herbal products of your choice which you think that it will show better results in x or y disease.Now write a article on it which covers the whole features dosage,ingredients etc. of this medicine.Send us an email with your product name at:
one of our team member will come for you within one hour and see your product if we found it is useful than we will list it on our site and let you know if we want any changes or your product is approved or not.
Now lets discuss the money we do not take any listing fee from you and you do not need to pay a single penny on our site.Once your product get approved we will list it on our site and send you the link.If this product is sale from our end than we will take 20% of the whole prize of product.The left money will be transfer to your bank account or anywhere you want.
Whats Your Role After Getting Order:
Now after getting order we will make you a call or send you an email with in 15-30 minutes to inform you that you got an order.Now you just need to arrange the medicine which you have listed on our site and make a parcel of it.We will give you the additional tips which helps to let you know how to pack a parcel.Please note if you do not send the medicine within two days than your money will be refund to the customer and your listing will be remove from our site.After sending parcel from India post you need to give tracking number to us and photo of registration slip.After this we will handle all the things from here.Your whole money will be transfer to your account.Its all on you whether you want monthly money or even on single product.On your one command we will transfer the whole money into your bank account.
If you need any help or have any query mail us we are always there for you: