Dabur Medicine For Acidity
Dabur medicine for acidity Dabur has introduced an ayurvedic medicine that controls gas and indigestion, it contains pudina which is however benefit for stomach ache, indigestion and gas.
It is an old ayurgedic medicine witg no side effects. Running on the side of washroom can make you weak and lot of water reduces from the body. This formula can let you eat whaterver you love, small quantity of this is enough.It comes in tablet and in liquid form too. It increases secretive digestion juice in the body too. It can be taken by any age group but not by children who are below 5 years of age. Below listed ayurvedic medicine are found to be very effective for acidity.
All thse products are 100% free from side effects and enriched with great natural ingredients.
All these products are made from dabur and based on our customer review, sounds to be very effective and useful for acidity.